Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Fedora 15 Released - Featuring Virgin Pure GNOME 3

Fedora 15 has been released. If you have a special affinity towards GNOME 3, then you should give Fedora 15 a try. It is robust, secure, and user friendly. Following are some of the main features of Fedora 15.

GNOME 3 including the new GNOME 3 shellKDE 4.6 with the improved Plasma workspace, enhanced core applications, and greater memory efficiency.XFCE 4.8 with a new panel, Thunar enhancements and more.Virtualization improvements including Spice support in virt-manager and support for Xen hosts.Better compression of live images allowing more applications to be provided on a CD.System and session management via systemd, providing more consistent configuration and improved boot performance. Running Fedora 15 on your machine demands modest requirements. Your machine should have a min of  386 MB RAM (512 MB - 1 GB preferred). 400 MHz Pentium Pro or better processor, and 10 GB of hard disk space for storage.

Fedora also comes with comprehensive documentation on every aspect of the OS that the end user might encounter which is a big plus.

There are several flavors of Fedora 15. And you can download them from 

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